WAFOP Letter To King County DPAA Equity & Justice Workgroup
July 24, 2020
To: King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg
Mr. Satterberg,
We are writing regarding the letter sent out on behalf of the King County DPAA Equity & Justice Workgroup, as well as the proposals presented by the same.
While we were disappointed in the language used in both the letter and the proposals, as it painted your peace officer partners in a negative light, we are more concerned with the workgroup’s proposal to significantly reduce the PAO’s partnership with LEO’s in several types of cases.
The WAFOP has worked hard to create positive relationships within communities, including with prosecutors. We believe that these kinds of positive working relationships are essential to effective policing, as well as securing fair and equal justice and victim advocacy.
Parts of this resolution are empowering to criminals who see that they will face no consequences for their actions, as long as they keep those actions under specific parameters, which have been clearly outlined for them.
We implore you to consider the negative and lasting effects on public safety that will present themselves in not filing specific cases. We also ask you to consider the impact that this will have on victims. Many of these proposals are dangerous precedents to set, and we simply ask that you pause and reflect upon the negative consequences that could be brought upon the community should these proposals become reality.
The WAFOP is a solution-orientated organization. We have a proven track record of engaging and working with all stakeholders to come up with real solutions that have a positive effect on both our profession and the communities they serve.
As such, the WAFOP stands ready and willing to participate in a conversation with you regarding these proposals. Thank you for taking the time to read this and please do contact us so we can work on a solution together.
Marco Monteblanco
President, WA FOP