WAFOP Statement On US Capitol Riots
The Washington Fraternal Order of Police (WAFOP) issued the following statement today in reaction to comments made by Seattle Police Officers Guild President Mike Solan regarding SPD involvement in the Washington D.C. riots.
“As peace officers sworn to protect and serve our communities, the members of the Washington Fraternal Order of Police abhor the scenes of destruction and violence witnessed at the US Capitol building earlier this week. Our role as law enforcement is to put public safety first, extending our protection to every member of our communities.
We do not support the comments made by Seattle Police Officers Guild President Mike Solan regarding the Capitol rioting, because such comments undermine our efforts to rebuild the trust needed between law enforcement and our communities. We believe that when peace officers allow their personal biases to influence their perceptions of events and behavior, it severely compromises our ability to fulfill our duty to protect and serve.”